Challenges with DATA in Schools
Data is often spread out in many different locations leading us to focus on one metric at a time and fails to show the whole picture
Schools often collect loads of data, but struggle with how to use it most efficiently for the benefit of all students
Leaders of schools don't have the time or resources to effectively leverage the use or creation of data and its visualization
Data visualization companies charge too much
Data can get old fast and if we don’t have a system or a calendar of looking at data it can be hard to get there
Schools have data initiatives but don't know where to start
Schools want to use data for accountability but are afraid to use data that might be seen as "dangerous" or threatening to psychological safety
Boards and accreditation bodies are increasingly requiring the use of data and schools are struggling to keep up in an authentic manner
Great amounts of resources and time are allocated for collecting data without generating value that is felt among the community
Most schools do not have a dedicated learning data specialist
At Smart Data For Schools, we've got you covered.
Our mission
We believe that providing access to insights with school learning data can provide sustainable change and growth, measure progress, and prove to schools that leveraging data can help all children realize their potential.
Who are we?
Smart Data for Schools is a collection of Learning Data Specialists that have decades of combined experience in education. As Data Specialists we have designed data dashboards with insightful visualizations into student learning, created data systems and structures, as well as inspired cultures that have led our schools to become ever more data driven.
We started Smart Data For Schools so that we could take what we have learned and share it with schools around the world.
We know that not every school has access to a Learning Data Specialists so we have designed resources and services to empower educational leaders with their ongoing effort to do even better for their students.