Data Dashboard Examples

Teachers and Advisors Dashboard

Teachers and Collaborative teams use data to help them explore strengths and needs of individual students students.

Example: Student Data Profiles

One of the most powerful ways we can use data in schools is to allow it to inform mentor conversations with students.

When looking at the data profile before we can:

  • Identify areas of strength and growth as discussion points with our students.

  • Learn more about our students that we might not have known otherwise.

  • Value all data and see the whole child including SEL and wellness data next to academic data.

Leadership Dashboard Example

Leadership will need to look at aggregate data in order to find ways to support teacher teams, departments, that will help us all do even better for our students.

Example: Aggregate Report Card Data Breakdown

Consider the data look below that answers: How are our students performing against standards across departments, grades, teachers, and gender?

This Standards Based Report Card data look allows leadership to Inquire about:

  • Areas of the curriculum that students are struggling in and the distribution of success across standards.

  • Consistency of assessment practices and opportunities for calibration. (*Note the teacher comparison chart is dangerous and can be removed when showing teachers)

  • How our students are performing in different subjects and how the leadership can different support those subjects.

Student Support Services Dashboard

One of the best ways for student support teachers to look at data is to look at in tabular form with as many metrics as possible. When data is set up in a table we can sort by different metrics and identify students of need and find the right support. We also may notice students that are receiving support but share similar data that students that are not yet receiving support.

Example: List of Students and Multiple Data Points

You will notice that the data look below has multiple metrics with every row representing 1 student. Setting up the data like this allows us to sort students and better identify strengths and needs.

This Standards Based Report Card data look allows Student Support Teams inform conversations about:

  • What students are not on our radar that might need more support?

  • What students are on our case load that may not need as much support going forward?

  • How might we correlate these different metrics, including what we know about them beyond this data?